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McGovern – Eagleton Button
McGovern – Eagleton Button

The election of 1972 pitted the Democrat George McGovern against the incumbent Republican President Richard Nixon. At the Democratic National Convention in Miami Beach, Florida, McGovern’s first three choices for vice president (Edward Kennedy, Abraham Ribicoff and Reubin Askeu) all declined. He then chose Thomas Eagleton, who was nominated. Soon after the convention, however, it was disclosed that Eagleton had undergone electric shock therapy for mental depression. McGovern, who had first stood behind his running mate “1,000%”, dumped him from the ticket in favor of Sargent Shriver. McGovern lost the election in November by almost 18 million popular votes and by 503 electoral votes. We offer this 1.25 inch McGovern-Eagleton button for your consideration.
Our Lowest Price: $2.95

Product Code: 647

