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Hubert H. Humphrey (HHH) Si! Si! Si!
humphrey button

Issued by the Bastian Brothers Company of Rochester, New York, this red, white and black 1.5 inch button promotes the 1968 Democratic Presidential nominee, Hubert H. Humphrey. Made for the United Farm Workers Union, this button features the official U.F.W. eagle, the symbol of the Union formed by Philip Vera Cruz, Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez to promote the rights of migrant farm workers. Humphrey, having founded the Minnesota Democratic Farmer Union, was the perfect candidate and spokesman for the U.F.W. This scarce button is in near mint condition and sells elsewhere for $12.95 and up, however, we can offer it for only…
Our Lowest Price: $8.95

Product Code: 570
