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Civil War Confederate Bearer Bonds
civil war confederate bearer bonds

The outbreak of the War Between the States in the spring of 1861 raised immediate concern on the part of the newly formed Confederate government as to how the financial burden of the war was going to be paid. In order to attract investors, the Confederates raised money by selling bonds backed by cotton. Although there were some financial means in the South, many of these bonds were sold to supporters in Europe, and because of this overseas assistance, the South was able to hold out for four years against overwhelming odds. We offer these genuine “Bearer Bonds” of the Confederacy for your consideration. Each bond is in nice condition and includes some interest receipts. We offer the following denominations:
$50 Bond ... $149.50
$100 Bond ... $129.50
$500 Bond ... $129.50
One of Each ... $379.50
Our Lowest Price: $149.50

Product Code: 777

