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Nazi Germany National Pensions Bank Bonds
nazi germany national pensions bonds

The history of the German National Pensions Bank dates back to 1850 when Prussian King Frederick William IV issued an order for its establishment.  The original purpose of this bank was to enable rural peasants to become independent landowners.  Those who received land were required to pay into a pension fund to pay off their debt.  The original landowners were then compensated by the Prussian State from this fund in the form of interest bearing bonds.  We have just purchased from a connection in Germany a group of cancelled bonds issued during the Third Reich by the German National Pensions Bank.  Each bond is serial numbered, dated, has a printed signature and a designated face value.  Paying an interest rate of 4%, each bond includes an embossed seal displaying the infamous German eagle and swastika.  We offer the following Third Reich bonds, all housed in an archival plastic holder, as follows:
Our Lowest Price: $19.50

Product Code: 707

